Looking to buy or sell a property?
Rural or residential? We will help to..
Review your contract before you sign;
Liaise with real estate agents, banks and other solicitors on your behalf;
Help with your Kiwisaver and First Home grant applications;
Review the title, LIM and other property reports and report back to you;
Comply with Govt requirements in relation to buying and selling of land;
Once conditions are satisfied, set up Landonline e-dealings;
Communicate with Councils and other professionals to get the paperwork in order for settlement;
Complete all necessary documentation to complete settlement of the sale or purchase of your property.
Want to top up your loan, or restructure your current lending on your existing property? We will help to...
Complete the necessary paperwork in accordance with your chosen bank
Complete the Landonline e-dealing to satisfy your particular bank or financial institution’s requirements.
Thinking of subdivision?
We will help to...
Work together with your chosen surveyor to complete the subdivision process.
Complete the legal process for you. We have a number of years’ experience in the successful completion of rural and residential subdivisions, including transferable title rights.
CALL US 0800 7565 3425
or you can fill in the contact form and we will be in touch within 24 hours